Thursday, 26 September 2013

I SMOKE(Support the Movement tO Kill canCer) campaign

Venue: Lovely Professional University

Date: 21st September, 2013

Total No of students came in our support: 780+ and more than 700 doodles collected.

I SMOKE is a movement with a vision to eradicate lung cancer in India, to eliminate the ill-habit of smoking and aware the youth about its harmful effects. Lung cancer is the major cause of cancer deaths among both men and women, and 90 percent of lung cancer deaths are due to smoking.Ample Foundation in collaboration with Techfest, IIT Bombay took this initiative with a motto to enlighten the youth and show the right path.

Doodle Project - We urge students to express themselves and show their support to this campaign by sharing their message or an illustration on the design provided by us.

Album of this doodle campaign is available on our facebook page.

Tuesday, 10 September 2013


The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others. – mahatma Gandhi

Gandhi ji gave us a teaching of a lifetime through this quote  . I experienced it the other day while interacting with children from prayas school . Ample foundation provided me with this delightful opportunity to interact with such happy souls that its going to be a memory which I will cherish throughout my life . The whole team put up the best efforts to make the day of the kids who don’t have much visitors very often . The most amazing thing that I noticed was that they were so glad to see us and enjoyed our company too, more than the sweets and chocolates what made them happy was when one of the members went to take there picture, when they sang with their hearts out , when they danced with us , all these things made them happy , and made us even more happy . That feeling you get when you know that you are the reason behind the other person’s smile …wow… splendid ! 

It is often said that “the smallest deed is better than the grandest intention.” And that’s what I realized that day , we all think when we see a helpless poor child , but we hesitate to act .  

One quotation written on the bulletin board of prayas school made my heart sob , it was written “ don’t laugh at us , laugh with us “ How very unfortunate is that person who despite of are ignorant enough to offend such innocent souls by such a horrendous deed . They deserve an equal opportunity to survive in the society and organisations like prayas are fighting hard to give it to them . After meeting the teachers and helpers over there , I am in no doubt that they are working very hard to make a difference in there life . 

In the end I would like to conclude with a saying  by leo Tolstoy-
The sole meaning of life is to serve humanity.

By :
Prachi Arora
Member, Ample Foundation 

Monday, 26 August 2013


Who are we?

Following a philosophy that social equality and environment are business problems in todays world, Ample Foundation was formed by a group of students, who wanted to make serious social contributions.These changemakers decided to make Ample function like a catalyst stirring change at the grassroots while also enabling the university students to engage proactively in the change process. The organization does this by providing moral, educational and social support to them. we target to provide the under privileged with more then what they currently have.
We, in this organization with the help of Lovely Professional University, wish to help out the under privileged and we want to make better citizens out of the nation. This organization’s fundamental achievement comes from distributing what others are not able to make use of. Every home has some stuff which they are no longer using, example-> parents purchase books for their children to study. Once the student grows up, the books are no longer of their use and are kept in some cupboards in the lower shelves and are never touched. We take it out from there. We provide it to the one who needs it. Families will be more than satisfied with doing such a favor to the society.
In AMPLE, we encourage the students to show up as volunteers for bringing the change in the society, a change in the life style of a below average status being, for upgrading the future of the nation, for upgrading the nation.
It is said that in India, rich is growing richer and poor is growing poorer. Here in AMPLE we have a strong motive to change the latter, and make a poor person a stable person. Long live India, long live Indians.

Friday, 9 August 2013

Dowry system....A social evil

Here.... I am talking about a very much prevalent and a dreadful social evil.... DOWRY System. It has beena great problem and source of embarrassment and disturbances in most parts of our society...

Although India suffers from many social evils and superstitions but most prevalent one is DOWERY. Cash and kind to his daughter during her marriage dowry is given. With it, greed, women, girl child is ill, treatment, woman – burning against the bias, like many other evils associated with taking bribes, etc., etc., so that one can give the money to marry his daughter. Many young women are committing suicide because their parents can not afford a dowry. In many cases, parents exorbitant interest rates to borrow money to his daughters wedding and kills the entry of many problems the rest of his life.

It is very difficult to find a match for a girl without paying handsome dowry. The relationship soured and there is tension, ill-will and dissension in families. Business and married a girl’s parents as a kind of exploitation. Well educated, and most boys of his father put a large portion of demand in both cash and kind. The rates for boys married and has qualifications in career mode. If the boy to a doctor or engineer, the demand may be anything between 5 to 10 million. If you have a male IAS A. Rates are still much higher. Thus, bridegrooms and girls are bought and sold like commodities on the sacrificial altar of marriage. The heart of a happy marriage and relationships but not married, the more transactions, a simple means of exploitation. Even the most educated and affluent parents, not back off his beggars and do not demand huge dowries.

Dowry system is a great shame for the Indian society is a slur. Evil can be found in any other country as a dowry. Reflects our prejudice against the women. It underlines the fact that women are not treated equally and fairly. After marriage, women are harassed, treated the sick and burned to death if they fail to bring in enough dowry. This woman is no limit to the greed of the law. They are also more and more dowry demands after marriage. In many families it is hell. The country has wicked woman is already a heavy toll of life. And yet there is not the end. People who suffer from double standards and double talk. They speak and preach against the dowry system, but they raise a claim at the time of the marriage of his son.

Equality of men and women in law against dowry system. It is a criminal offense, give and take dowry. But this is a violation of the open. There are thousands of cases every year portion of a few criminals are actually punished. It shows that laws alone are not enough. Besides laws, we need more social awareness and effective social action. We should create a movement and a strong public opinion against the system. Villages and every nook and corner of the country, this movement should be taken. More leaders, social groups, men, women, and evil must be involved in the movement. Social exclusion should be enough for those who practice the dowry system. Women’s organizations such as the people to hold demonstrations against it.

Registration must be married. Young men and women should take oath against evil. Women married to men who refuse to be a demand for dowry. Group and community marriages can help remove the evil. More and more women should be encouraged to take employment and become economically independent. A very low percentage of literacy among girls and women. This rate should be increased. More schools, colleges, and training of women should be opened. There is free education up to university level should be for women. Spread education and literacy among women is a great weapon against dowry can be.

Portion of women and the practice itself should be the next fight. Their rights, privileges, and powers should know. They should stop thinking in terms of the weak sex. They should open rebellion, and the portion of practitioners. They stand on their legs and to fight for their rights. Now there is more awareness among the women than before. But it is only the beginning. They are all kinds of discriminations and unjust men – fighting for dominance. These young men should be frankly rejected the demand for dowry from their parents. But in a situation of one party reduces the demand for dowry. Evil to be fought both in law and society level. Never for a strong campaign and the movement to eradicate the evil.

Sunday, 28 July 2013

SOCH.... E-Magazine By Ample Foundation

Great opportunity for those interested in creative writing and journalism :

Ample Foundation is starting a magazine(Bi-Monthly) in which we will be printing the best articles on various social issues in India. For which we require Editor, content writers and proof readers (Only For Students of LPU). Students now can mail us their article, Photographs, Sketches and cartoons which will portray the agony of a women in today's world. The best 3 articles in each category will be awarded with gift items and a certificate of recognition.

First issue will be launched on 1st September 2013, TITLE: SOCH, which will be focusing on Women Empowerment.A magazine which will have the power to change the mindset of men towards women. A magazine so powerful that it will encourage each men to become a feminism activist.

Need::Everyday, we see numerous confessions and statuses by women and college students regarding their frustrations on the way men treat them, regarding mentality of men in this world. We don't have to increase a girls skirt length or increase area covered under a top to decrease rapes in our country, We have to improve "SOCH " of today's youth. We will be printing the best articles by women and men.

For Details Contact

Naveen Pandey +91-9915519741
 Dev Aggarwal +91-8288881782

Saturday, 27 July 2013


India, when you hear this name you picture an land of 1.2billions, mostly poor and also those who contribute significantly to the global list of multi billionaires- a land of tradition and sprituality and also at the very same time a largest democracy and one of the fasted growing economy in the wworld. You will think about the magesting Ganga, The Great Himalayas, The ghats of Banaras and beaches of Goa. You think of a lake of IT professionals, of the American anxiety of being 'Bangalored', of the emerging superpower on the table of G-20. You believe this narrative persistently sold to us all for the last two decdes- The idea of India Shining.

The above narrative, although true but is one sided. It flushes out the poor, the marginalised and displaced of our minds -The people for whome the euphoria around India Shining has now turned into India's forgotten voters.These are helpless people who make up the sprawling and appaling slum habitat of Indian cities. When heads are counted, they number no less than population of countries like Brazil or Pakistan. They live a wretched life, work in informal sectors, many times are migrants, and often do not exist in any of official records. They are the millions of invisible Indians who are slogging away everyday keeping the cities clean and building infrastructures while living the life of pariahs.

Our country India is replete with paradoxes. Despite its phenomenal economic growth over the last two or three decades, India still remains a land of widespread poverty, illiteracy and ill-health. One ought not to miss the parallel narrative of India as home to world’s largest number of poor, disadvantaged and marginalized people. A staggering around 500 million still defecate in the open. 68.7% of Indians live on less than $2 a day, and 32.7% are below the absolute poverty line of less than $1.25 a day. Currently almost 30% of Indians live in urban areas, a figure that is likely to go up to 40% in next two decades. 160 million Indians live in urban slums, which is 55% of the total urban population of India.

The living conditions in these slums are extremely difficult, to say the least. Vast majority of the slum population do not have access to adequate and fresh water, sanitation and other basic necesseties. There are two kinds of slums, legal and illegal, legality being defined on the basis of having or not having titles to the land on which they exist. Life is hard enough in the legal slums; it is even tougher in the illegal ones. A typical illegal slum looks like a maze of small temporary huts mostly located along the river, along the sewage canals or on abandoned industrial or government land. There is mud, slush and stagnant water all around, some times near the water source, or next to homes. Mosquitoes and flies are everywhere, causing diseases which break the backs of the already indebted slum dwellers. The famous Indian monsoons are extremely hard with not a dry patch in sight, with water entering homes and children wading through the filth and scum.

There are problems galore and there are no simple solutions. One is not here to spring a miracle. One is here to learn from the people who would not survive without the resilience and creativity they possess. And one is here to, hopefully, contribute a little, help a little.

I started playing my part in starting the construction although in little pieces, the parallel narrative of India. As the photographs above testifies, it is not going to be a pretty story. But, I guess, it is going to be a story of the never-say-die spirit of Indian slum dwellers . It is a story that needs to be told by bigger voices than mine, so that these forgotten people do not remain forgotten.

 By: Sunil Bishnoi

Friday, 26 July 2013

How much is too much?

Recent events have brought back into focus the objectification of woman in our films.

On my way back home one day, I took an auto rickshaw that had Punjabi songs blaring. Curious, I asked who the singer was. “Honey Singh,” he said, his head swinging to the
beats. Considering we were in Ghaziabad and the driver sounded like an inhabitant of Eastern Uttar Pradesh, I asked if he understood Punjabi. He said only a bit but the songs give him a kick because they have words that describe female anatomy in great detail and some of them extol rape. Surprised, I asked him how he got them and how he played them when female passengers were in the auto. “I play them at night when they have no other option but to behave as if they are either not listening or can’t understand. The CDs are available on footpaths in MP3 (format). You just have to ask, ‘Honey Singh ka gande (dirty) song wala CD de do.’”
He is referring to the same Yo Yo Honey Singh who is being eulogised as the next big thing in Bollywood music.. His numbers were on YouTube’s top 10 list last year, and Anurag Kashyap has said he wants to make a biopic on him. Though Honey Singh has denied singing such offensive songs, the impression on the ground tells a different story.
In the aftermath of the Delhi gang rape case, the role of mass media in manufacturing perceptions about women is once again being questioned. While there is no scholarly study to prove a direct link between cinema and insensitive male behaviour towards women, long-term exposure to regressive images and stereotypes does play a crucial role in a country where a large number of people still don’t know how to consume the images generated by the media. Cinema is already a pre-censored medium and freedom of speech is sacrosanct, but there is a greater need to look within and self-regulate.
There is a school of thought that believes that cinema is a reflection of society and draws selectively from mythology. So Duryodhan’s action of disrobing Draupadi — fuelled by Draupadi’s taunt linking his slipping into a water pond in the palace with the blindness of his father — finds a reflection in our filmy characterisations time and again. Some are layered, others lewd. And the ‘realistic’ approach could also get numbers because somebody somewhere is watching it for the ‘scene’ and not the bigger picture. We have seen it happening with “Bandit Queen” and “Fire”. Our films have definitely evolved, and a scene that has gone out of the narrative structure is the rape episode. There was a time in the 1970s and ’80s where certain female characters could be picked out from a distance as the ones to be assaulted at some point in the movie, to give our young man a chance to get angry. Some villains were anointed as rape experts. And when a heroine-oriented film was attempted, rape became an obstacle the character should cross to become a champion. Remember “Zakhmi Aurat”? The phool had to be masticated by a man to become an angaara. Thank god we have moved on from those sadistic portrayals. Or have we? Haven’t rape experts been replaced by serial kissers and shirtless wonders? Mind you, they are not placed as the villain of the piece.
Till a few years ago, many male journalists who covered the film beat had a staple question for female actors. How much will you expose? The heroine used to have a staple answer: “According to the demands of the script.” Still, some scribes apparently got a perverse pleasure out of this question. But when the portrayal of the Hindi film heroine changed, skin exposure no longer remained limited to one scene or song and explicit expression of sexual desire became a metaphor for female liberation rather than vampish behaviour, the question became ‘out-of-syllabus’. Top heroines of the industry acquiesced to this change. There is nothing wrong with finding a middle ground for the heroine between the goddess and whore extremes that existed for years, but there is a very thin line between celebration of sensuality and commoditisation of woman.
There is a difference between being a centre of desire and a means of titillation. And this line is frequently being crossed, particularly in item songs where through lyrics and dance movements the girl almost beseeches to be pounced upon — and since the song has no connection with the story, the director has no compulsion to justify its presence. The fact that celebrated faces of the film industry are gyrating to these racy tunes gives them a sort of legitimacy in the minds of an impressionable audience. The independence of woman is being seen largely in sexual terms. After years, Deepa Sahi is still looking for a producer to fund a biopic on Rani Laxmibai but the biopic of Silk Smitha got made in a jiffy. (see box) Rani Mukerji is struggling to find good scripts, but ‘adult’ film star Sunny Leone, who self admittedly can’t act or dance, has four films in her kitty and performed on New Year’s Eve at a Central Delhi hotel. But can we question her when we are allowing Katrina Kaif to learn on the job for a decade? Also, it seems those who protested against Honey Singh’s performance in a Gurgaon hotel missed Sunny’s jig.
One of the faces of the new female protagonist is of someone who enjoys her drink, scoffs at the institution of marriage and shows an inclination towards the physical side of love. At least till the intermission. Recently, we saw it in “Cocktail”. Strangely, after the intermission, Veronica tries to conform to traditional mores but still doesn’t get the guy, who is equally ‘liberal’ but ultimately marries a prototype of the Sati Savitri. It gives an impression that so-called outgoing girls are meant to be used and the ultimate aim of every girl is marriage. Somehow our films generated the notion that in a woman’s refusal of a man’s advances there is an implicit ‘yes’ hiding somewhere. This led to the birth of the stalking hero. The recent example was the monstrous hit “Rowdy Rathore” (granted a U/A certificate, it was the second highest grosser of 2012) where the hero describes his girl as maal and turns her ‘no’ into ‘yes’ within minutes. Impressionable minds might like to copy his style if they are so predisposed.
If Akshay Kumar were to take a stand that he won’t play a stalking hero, “rowdies” would not be able see the light of day because our mainstream cinema is still star-driven.
Herein comes the question of tyranny of taste. Mahesh Bhatt says the keys of the treasure of creativity should not be in the hands of the intellectual elite. But creativity should not be allowed to propagate depravity either.
Then again, why don’t we respect the ‘A’ certificate? One has seen families going to watch films like “Murder 2” where a psychopath stalks women and then cuts them into pieces. Groups espousing women’s rights say that assault on women in real life has nothing to do with what they wear, but on the other hand they criticise filmmakers for objectifying women. Isn’t there a link between the two? Why is it that young mothers take their three-year-olds to learn to dance to a “Chikni Chameli” and why does a “Fevicol” play at family functions? Isn’t there a complicit consent? The questions are many and the answers are not easy but a little introspection holds the key…
What's entertainment
That an actress of the calibre of Vidya Balan played the lead in “The Dirty Picture” turned it from a B-grade affair to A-class.
In fact, producer Ekta Kapoor said the title and subject gave an impression that somebody like Bipasha Basu would be cast but that would have limited the appeal of the film. One is not running down Ekta or Vidya, one is talking about the choices producers, performers and the public are making.
...If “Cocktail” was set in London, “Ishaqzaade” unfolded near Lucknow. Here we had a girl who prefers guns over jewellery and wants to become a politician but ends up falling in love with a naughty guy who lures her into a physical relationship for political gain. We were expected to support the girl’s choice because the guy was really sorry.
Director Habib Faisal said he didn’t set out to make a feminist film and both his characters had strengths and flaws. Are our audiences mature enough to understand this nuance which many film critics missed?
...In “Kismat Love Paisa Dilli”, where a group of goons kidnap a girl from the road to celebrate their gang leader’s birthday in a moving van. Isn’t the plot similar to what happened with the victim of the gang rape?
The film failed in the metros and we heaved a sigh of relief that the crass was cut short. But what if the film is still playing in Dadri or Sikanderabad, towns within a few kilometres from the Capital? The film starred Vivek Oberoi, considered an actor conscious of his duties towards society.